Monday, November 19, 2007


What's the sickest you've ever been?


Unknown said...

This doesn't really qualify as sickness, but in 2002 I fell skiing and broke my ankle. That little incident resulted in surgery and crutches that kept me hobbled from January 10th until the end of May.

Vika said...

Well, when I was three the doctors told my parents to be prepared for a funeral just in case. I had pneumonia about 8 times that year.

Yup, that's about the worst it's ever been. That's why I try not to bitch about colds and such. They're more like good excuses for 'me' time.

PNWgal said...

In 1977, in the span of four months, I had the chicken pox, pneumonia, and the mumps. I've never been so sick in my entire lifetime.

I had my man down for a good three months in 89 when he shattered his ankle while riding motorcross. He worked for his dad back then-I don't know who was more pissed, my F-I-L or me.

Rinda said...

When I was in high school, I got a really bad kidney infection--so bad that the infection spread into my lungs. That was a LONG two weeks.

Then when I was in college, I had an ovarian cyst burst and get infected. My boyfriend found me passed out in the bathroom and took me to the emergency room on Christmas frakking Eve. Lovely holiday that was.

Brian said...

I think the sickest I've been was when I spiked a 105 fever for no apparent reason. It came on quick, made me hallucinate, and then broke for two days in a row. Doctors had no clue what was happening, and didn't seem inclined to figure it out. When it didn't happen again, the docs just shrugged their shoulders and said to "keep an eye out for it." Gotta love modern medicine. "We have no idea what's going on or how to fix it, but let us know if it gets any worse."

amyj said...

When I was pregnant with my first child back in 1995 my iron level dropped to 5 and I was rushed to the emergency room. I couldn't walk or see anything; the room turned black. My head was spinning and I couldn't form a complete sentence to explain my symptoms to the doctor.I was about 6-7 months along and I thought my life (and possibly my unborn son's life) was near its end. Luckily, 4 iron pills a day until the end of the pregnancy solved the problem.