Saturday, November 10, 2007


If you could go to the moon, would you?


Unknown said...

Absolutely. I was ten years old in 1969 and I vividly recall my dad splashing my face with cold water to keep me awake until the first transmissions started coming in from the moon. I was so tired, but he was determined that I would see it. He wanted me to be able to tell my grandchildren about it. Those guys were my heroes. More than movie stars, athletes or comic book characters. I'd go in a minute.

Rinda said...

Wow! You were ten? I wasn't even born yet!!

But I'd go to the moon in a minute!! I've seen the liftoff of every space shuttle I could manage, and would have given anything to go to Space Camp when I was a kid. My mother and I are planning to go to Florida to see a liftoff in person.

I can't imagine seeing the Earth from space. I'd be useless for the first day--probably do nothing but stare at everything.

PNWgal said...

I remember that day in's one of my earliest memories. It was the only time my father EVER took a day off work for another reason besides being sick. I was four.

I'd absolutely go to the moon.