Thursday, November 1, 2007

Outer Space

Do you believe there are sentient beings in outer space?


Rinda said...

YES!! I don't expect to ever get to meet one, and I'm not sure William Shatner will be around to have sex with them, but I do believe they're out there.

And if they have visited Earth, I'm sure they see it just as some intergalatic Stuckey's where they can take a quick bathroom break and maybe buy a pecan log. I'm sure they've all warned the kids not to talk to the strangers.

Vika said...

Sure, why not? Until I can be completely convinced that we are the only little ball 'o dirt that sprouted something in this vast universe I will continue to assume that we are not alone out here.

Unknown said...

I'd say odds are in favor of it. Somewhere in the multiverse.

PNWgal said...

Are there aliens? Of course there are...I've seen "Men in Black".

In all seriousness...we'd have to be arrogant beyond belief to believe that we're the only life out there. That being said, there's no way in hell that aliens are going to come HERE searching for intelligent life. All they'd have to do is read the Obscure Store board to realize they should have taken a left at Albequerque.

Unknown said...

Granted we can be pretty foolish, but I still think we would be worth checking out if for nothing more than a global Sodom and Gomorrah scenario. You know, show me ten reasons why this planet should be spared. Which might make an interesting random question itself one day. Maybe I'm just a Pollyanna, but I think we still have a few shining points about us.

Anonymous said...

Believe is too strong of a word. At this point I just don't care. If they are out there, I would say "Rock on" and I would play that little musical ditty from "Close Encounters." (the Richard Dreyfuss one, not the porn one)