Friday, September 26, 2008


What is your favorite season?


Unknown said...


Soo Mi said...

I'm a big fan of oregano.

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you, soo mi. I was beginning to think I was the last lonely smart-ass out here!

Rinda said...

No Bill, I'm surrounded by them. And in case you were wondering, mine is baseball. But I have a particular fondness for college football.

CCT girl said...

haha. you people are my favorite. fall.

and garlic.

Unknown said...

Sarah's is moose.

Soo Mi said...

You are most definitely not alone, Bill. Just ask my momma. When she's done rolling her eyes, she'll tell you all about my "smart mouth."

Moose needs to marinade, and to me that's just too much like work. Besides, who names their moose, "Sarah," especially if they were gonna eat it?

I also like back-to-school season. Not because I like spending money, but because I know I'll finally get control of the remote for a few hours a day.

Anonymous said...

hurricane season?

Soo Mi said...

Nah, tornado season is much more fun. A hurricane you can see coming from a long way off and prepare. Tornadoes are so spur-of-the-moment and suspenseful.

Rinda said...

Rabbit season

Soo Mi said...

duck season