Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Facebook or Myspace?


Benito said...


Unknown said...

I never has a MySpace page, so I'll go with Facebook.

Rinda said...

I have a MySpace page, but I never look at it. Which annoys people who actually send me messages, etc. there. I spend much more time (too much time) on Facebook (playing with flair).

CCT girl said...

tough one. i'll go with facebook. i got it back in the days when only kids in college could get it, i'm dedicated like that. myspace is a new venture for me.

Anonymous said...


Soo Mi said...

I have a myspace, but I don't visit it often, maybe once a week. Most of the people on my friends list, however, are totally dedicated to their page, playing games, uploading photos and music, etc.