Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Going Out

Do you prefer to go out with friends or invite them to your place and stay in?


Unknown said...

I prefer going out or going to someone else's house when possible. It's just so much easier than getting everything company ready... even though for a bachelor that really only means throwing the dishes in the dishwasher and scooping out the cat litter if it doesn't pass a quick sniff test.

Soo Mi said...

I truly enjoy having people over, and I often feel uncomfortable in other people's homes. It's hard for me to feel really at home anywhere but home unless I am very great friends with the hosts, visiting them often.

As for "tidying up for company," isn't that what the closets are for?

Unknown said...

Hmm... no comments from Rinda. Must be having a great time at her friend's house.

Unknown said...

Having people over is always fun, but required me to clean up. So having occasional company keeps me accountable. I think overall I going out more and having someone else do all the work.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having people over. They come to you, you're in your comfort zone, but it can be stressful being the "hostess". Then, there are the times when your visit is over but they're still there. The ones that linger...and linger and you don't want to be rude but you'd wish they'd leave already.

Unknown said...

Point taken CJ. Geez...

Anonymous said...

Your 5 minute visits don't count. You'd have to stay a little bit longer (6 minutes?) to make me wish you'd leave.