Monday, September 8, 2008

Movie Walkout

Have you ever walked out on a movie? If so, which one?


CCT girl said...

i walked out on "The Hills have Eyes" and "Toys" many many years ago. I didn't make it through the hills, not after it looked like they were gonna partake in some baby eating.

Anonymous said...

Not yet. Only bad enough that I wished I had just rented it but that's it.

Laurie Moran said...

No, but I've wanted to! Meet Joe Black and The Wickerman were both movies I wish I had never paid for or walked in to.

Unknown said...

There was one stupid movie that I was watching at home and it was so bad I walked out. It was some spaghetti western starring David Bowie...

Rinda said...

I should have walked out on "The Flintstones," but I didn't. Why I didn't, I can't remember. After that, I started watching the bad movies at the theater that served beer and ranking them by how many pitchers it took my friend and me to get through them. If I remember correctly, both "The Shadow" and "From Dusk Till Dawn" took three pitchers. I think those were the biggies.

And Bill, first of all, you were warned that the movie was not Oscar worthy and second, bite me.

Unknown said...

Why does it always have to turn to sex with you...

Soo Mi said...

I, unfortunately, am never in a position where I can just walk out of a movie, no matter how bad it stinks. I've got this thing about crowds, and nearly never go to a movie alone.

Most of the time, the person or people I'm with are enthralled with the movie while I'm suffering. My solution is to always take an oversize zip-up hoodie and ear plugs so that if the movie does not appeal to me, I can cover up, cuddle up, and take an expensive nap.

I have heard that complaining to the "customer service" desk prior to exiting the theater will get you a refund or a free pass into a future show, depending on the cinema company. Some are less customer-friendly than others.