Thursday, September 4, 2008

Work from home

Do you ever work from home? If so, how do you like it? If not, do you want to?


Unknown said...

The only work from home I've ever done is e-bay, which requires daily attention if you are selling more than a few items at a time. I spend at least an hour a day on it as it is, but I'm not sure I would be disciplined enough to put in a forty hour week at home on any job short of World of Warcraft upgrade tester or something like that.

Soo Mi said...

I'd love to work from home, but am not working for anyone right now (just entering the job market after raising kids).

I'm a fully-qualified teacher's aide and preschool teacher, but with no real work history, I'm not a "good" candidate. I've been looking at doing something else instead, which is sad because that means I've wasted my college education. However, if one must...

Has anyone had any success with those work-from-home ads in the classifieds?

CCT girl said...

yes, and i LOVE it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if I have the discipline to do this. Maybe work a few days at home would be good.