Monday, October 6, 2008

Life on Mars

Are you going to watch any of the "new" network television shows that are based on BBC shows?

All of the following shows are based on Brit shows:

  • Life on Mars
  • Eleventh Hour
  • Kitchen Nightmares
  • Worst Week
  • Kath and Kim (actually, that one's Australian, but I'll throw it in)
Planning on trying any of them? Or just sticking with what you already watch?


Rinda said...

You guys know by now that I don't believe anyone can do entertainment better than the British, so if it's all the same, I'll stick with the original versions. The BBC verison of "Life on Mars" especially rocks, and not just because it references David Bowie in every episode. Will the American version be that cool? Sorely doubt it.

CCT girl said...

Uhm. I don't watch tv.

Unknown said...

My therapist says I'm ready to try something new... a drama... maybe a sitcom or two... but honestly... I don't think I can really let myself go this soon after Jericho...

Anonymous said...

Nope. You can't really top Spaced and so far, they're smart enough not to try.

Anonymous said...

Nope. You can't really top Spaced and so far, they're smart enough not to try.

Anonymous said...

Nope. You can't really top Spaced and so far, they're smart enough not to try.

Anonymous said...

hmmm....apparently I feel very strongly about this.

Soo Mi said...

I have found that "Big Bang Theory" is actually kinda funny, but I'm geeky and it speaks to me and, surprisingly, my kids--although that may be because they're really high-functioning and I hang around with people who are very much like the geeks on the show.

And CJ, never be afraid to show how you really feel. :)