Monday, October 27, 2008


So while I'm asking what we all believe in, how's about reincarnation? Ever been around before? Planning to come back again? Hoping you will? As a cat? Who's as spoiled as mine are? Or is that just me?


CCT girl said...

I do believe in reincarnation. God just recycles souls rather than piling the used ones up in landfills. Besides, can you imagine how full hell would be by now?

Can I be Duckie?

Soo Mi said...

honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, if there are ghosts, are they non-reincarnated souls or just shadows of souls?

Anonymous said...

I doubt we come back. I'd hate to think that so many people could be coming back and making the same mistakes over and over again. You'd think the world would be a better place if the reincarnated would have a better sense of their history.

Rinda said...

I think we can come back if we want to to work on things we didn't get right the first (or tenth) time around.