Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weird Dream

What was the last really weird dream you had?


PNWgal said...

Weird dream...hmm. I had a nightmare a few weeks ago. I dreamt my son lost his job and lived with us until we died.

No wait...that really happened.

Unknown said...

I had this dream where Buddy Holly doesn't actually die in the plane crash, but lies for years in a coma... horribly disfigured yes, but very much alive. By the time he regains consciousness though, the accident and his untimely loss have pretty much insured his status as a rock n roll legend so he is hesitant to reveal himself. Yet over time the lure of the stage proves to be too much, so he changes his name to Lyle Lovett and hits the road. Freaky, huh?

Rinda said...

I had a dream that I befriended a couple of people over the internet and began a blog where their answers to my questions really began to made me wonder about the people I befriend.

Probably the weirdest one ever was the one about some buddies from high school and I chasing Freddy Krueger through the desert in my friend's silver Trans Am (the old one with the eagle on the hood) and eventually shooting him with a silver bullet (I KNOW--that's for werewolves, but I was dreaming, so cut me some slack) and he turned into this girl from school that I never really liked so I shot her too. There's tons more, because it was a particularly vivid dream, but you get the gist.