Friday, January 18, 2008

Million Dollars

(An oldie but a goodie) What would you do if you won/inherited $1,000.000?


PNWgal said...

I'd grind my work I.D. into dust and run through the aisles screaming "I QUIT!!!!! WORK IS FOR SUCKERS!!!!!"

No, not really. I wouldn't run.

Unknown said...

I'd take maybe half of it and open a small second hand book shop and spend my days buying and selling books without a crippling need to make a profit at it. I'd find away to give the other half away. I could easily be corrupted with more money than I need and my needs are simple.

Anonymous said...

man, i'd buy an awesome house with lots of land and horses. i'd travel and do whatever i wanted. and then i'd also buy houses for my parents and sister, college educations for my daughter and nieces...and then invest the rest and live off the interest.

Anonymous said...

First, I would be pissed that half went to the government, then I would pay off my parent's house and then invest wisely. I want it to last. Oh and I would move to Australia for a bit.