Thursday, January 10, 2008

Foreign Films

Do you like foreign films? What's your favorite?


Vika said...

I LOVE foreign films, and I love action/adventure, so my most recent fave is Nochnoi Dozor - Night Watch. It's that Russian fantasy flick that came out a few years back. I hear the sequelk, Day Watch, is pretty good, but haven't had the opportunity to watch it yet.

Of course (sticks her nose up in the air and sniffs) I watch them in Russian. THough I watched Nochnoi Dozor with the subtitles to see if the translation was any good, and it was REALLY good, actually.

Unknown said...

I watch quite a few foreign films, but I don't know that I have a standout favorite. A few that come to mind are The Mind of a Killer and Intermission. I watched The Lives of Others this week that was pretty good. I had to laugh at myself though. After I turned up the volume three times I realized I still didn't speak German.

Anonymous said...

I hate foreign films for the most part but I was forced to watch the Brazilian film, Cidade de Deus...City of God about the favelas and the life that goes on behind the scenes in Rio, etc. It was really good. What wasn't great was watching it in Costa Rica with Portuguese being spoken in teh film, Spanish subtitles, and me translating mentally into English. I rented it later and still find it interesting though.

Rinda said...

We just watched "Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance"--a Korean film b in the vein of Hitchcock films. It was really well done (even if I got lost a couple of times) but sad. It's the first in a triolgy, and we're watching the second part tonight.

I also like British films, but I don't really count those as foreign...

PNWgal said...

So call me the shallow American.

I refuse to watch anything that has subtitles. If I wanted to read something, I'll haul out a book.

Careful there vika-you stick that nose up anything farther, you'll drown when it rains. ;-)