Wednesday, December 19, 2007

From the Dead

If you could bring one person (famous, infamous, neither of the previous) back from the dead, who would it be and why?


Rinda said...

My first thought would be Jesus, so he could just explain what he meant to everyone and be done with it. (But seeing as how he's already done that "raised from the dead thing" once already, he's technically exempt.)

So I guess it would have to be Shakespeare so he could finally come clean about whether or not he wrote everything attributed to him and explain the parts I never could quite get.

Vika said...

I'd really like to spend a weekend or so talking with Einstein. I've always admired the guy - he managed to have fun with life and work on what he truly enjoyed, not to mention the genius thing :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with "rinda" I would like to meet Jesus and then when we are pals, I'd ask him for a paternity test.

Rinda said...

So scibyd, do you want to know his parentage or find out if you're really a child of Jesus?

PNWgal said...

I'd bring back Lee Harvey Oswald. I'd love to know if there really was someone behind the grassy knoll.

Anonymous said...

I want to know who the real baby daddy is.

Brian said...

I'd bring back a Druid, any Druid, and ask them just what the hell Stonhenge is actually supposed to be. Or maybe an Incan Indian, and ask them what the hell Machu Picchu was all about. Also get them to tell me what was up with those knotted ropes (or was that the Aztecs?).