Tuesday, December 18, 2007


We all have something neurotic about us (don't deny it!), so what is your most common neurosis?


Rinda said...

I'm SERIOUSLY OCD about some things. Okay, not as bad as Monk, but I've got to have things in symmetrical lines and angles, and everything has to be just so. I also tend to check and double-check certain things (like if I have my keys with me) even though I put them away only a couple of seconds before.

Anonymous said...

I am way OCD, I check the door lock 5 times before bed, run my hands under the water 5 times before bed, check every pre-set on the radio before I stay on a song that I like, and eat colored food in color order. Weirdo!

Vika said...

I'm under OCD. Sometimes a little OCD is good for you. I do wash my hands in the bathroom and take daily showers, etc. but my desk and my apartment are currently a sloppy mess.

Rinda said...

SAS, I knew you weren't quite right, but I have to thank you for making my OCD seem minor in comparison!

PNWgal said...

Wow...where would you like me to start? I come from a long line of women with serious quirks.

I do my laundry in a certain order-towels, bedsheets, underwear, light clothes, colored clothes, dark clothes, then Brian's work clothes. Get me out of that schedule and my life ends.

I rotate my plates, cups and silverware. Or else they all don't get used.

I sit in the same seat on the bus, morning and afternoon, even if there's better ones available. If someone's in my seat, my whole day is ruined.

I check my purse 5 or 6 times every morning before I leave the house to make sure I have my phone, wallet, keys, etc. At the bus stop, I drop my keys in my purse and take my iPod out. If I get out of this order, I will inevitably lose my keys.

If you've got another year, I can list the rest....

Unknown said...

As far as I can tell I'm only OCD about coming up with cutsie nicknames for Daffodil... sorry... pnwgal.

Anonymous said...

I barf uncontrollably when I see or hear Ashley Judd but that's not really a neuroses. Sorry, I digress..

Anonymous said...

Should be neurosis above - sorry

PNWgal said...

I guess I should add another OCD...

Before I kick bill's ass, I always wanna make sure I smack him upside the head first...