Friday, December 7, 2007


What are you allergic to?


Rinda said...

Seasonal allergens, mold, my mother's cat (why just him I'll never know), penicillin

PNWgal said...

Cat and rabbit fur-but only if it's still attached to said animal.

I also know when the pollen count is high in my area-I pretty much stop being able to breathe through my nose.

Vika said...

Okay, you want the list? I went to the allergist and had the tests redone last week.

Most trees that produce pollen.
Some weeds, but few.
Walnuts, but only slightly.
Anything, and I mean ANYTHING with dander, in order from the worst: horses, dogs, birds, cats, sheep, etc...
Penicillin and sulfa drugs
But the worst by far?

Dust Mites.

I HATE the little buggers.