Thursday, July 10, 2008


If you could go back in time and talk to your 10 year old self, what advice would you give him or her?


Rinda said...

Many things:
1. You can't be friends with your exes. Don't try. (Except for Josh.)
2. Pay more attention in science and math--it's not really as boring as you think.
3. Don't take life (or yourself) so seriously. No one cares that you aren't perfect.
4. Don't take the Depo Provera shots--they screw your weight to hell.
5. Save all your money, and in April, 1996, buy all the Yahoo stock you can afford.

Laurie Moran said...

Oh my! I bet I wouldn't believe myself so this is all probably moot. I'd tell myself that NONE of the guys I'd meet before age 25 would matter in the long term and that it wasn't worth my time to cry, think, obsess or anything over them.

I'd tell myself to keep studying, but have fun, too. It's all about balance and a life of one and lack of another is not a good way to go.

And I'd tell myself to follow my passions - the things I really loved to do and not give up on them so easily.

Anonymous said...

1. don't marry the first yahoo who proposes.
2. finish school
3. invest, invest, invest

Unknown said...

Did you know there's a swimming pool under this floor? And did you know that button behind you causes this floor to open up? And did you further know that George Bailey is dancing right over that crack?