Saturday, July 5, 2008

Patriotic Song

What's your favorite patriotic song?


Rinda said...

I like the national anthem, because I used to teach the poem in American Lit, and I can hit all the high notes. I'm tired of God Bless America, because now I can't sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch now.

Laurie Moran said...

I like "This Land is Your Land" the best out of the patriotic songs.

Unknown said...

Color me old fashioned, but I still prefer the national anthem too. I can't hit the high notes though.

CCT girl said...

Would it make me sound like an illiterate bum if I said "I'm proud to be an American?"

Anonymous said...

I like "You're a Grand Old Flag"...I remember it from when I was a kid...