Friday, February 15, 2008


What questions would you like me to post?

(Yeah, and obviously don't answer the questions you or other people have posted or there will be no reason for me to post them later, duh. The management appreciates your cooperation.)


Anonymous said...

Favorite Cereal?
Whopper or Big Mac?
Lays or Ruffles?
(um, as u can tell food can give u lots of choices)

Unknown said...

How do you respond to rude, aggressive people?

Are you more likely to want to get your way or to get along?

Unknown said...

What are some song lyrics that puzzle you?

Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza?

Unknown said...

Why aren't people more curious nowadays?

Soo Mi said...

Favorite misheard song lyrics

best vacation location

first date experience

picnic or dinner party