Tuesday, May 6, 2008

First Day

What was your first day at your current job like?


CCT girl said...

It was great. They took me to lunch, showed me around, and then let me go home early so I could do fun things, like continue to unpack since I had just moved here. My cumputer access wasn't set up though, which is a cardinal HR no-no.

How was your first day, Rinda?

Anonymous said...

A little exciting, nerve-racking, a little bit of "what have I done", and amazement of all the new things I'd have to learn.

Rinda said...

Apparently it was a typical AC day, from what everyone told me. I hadn't heard anything from HR, so I didn't even get to fill out my paperwork until 3 p.m. (and then I had to drive out to corporate to do that.) My computer, which was supposed to be ready to go, wasn't, so I spent most of the first day watching the IT guy fiddle with it. I went to two meetings before 10:00.

But it was still great. I'm really enjoying the work, and I like the people I work with.

Soo Mi said...

I'm a certified nanny now, so it was a bit strange, just being handed a baby without much pre-work interaction.

However, my previous job was as an office clerk. The Old Guy said, "Hey, Sugar, make us some coffee." I gently protested that I don't know how, but was told to read the directions, Honey.

The directions said to use the scoop or use one heaping spoon per cup. There was a spoon inside the can, a super-huge serving spoon that comes with the 'hostess' set, but I figured the guys knew what they were talking about.

Twelve heaped spoons later, and the coffee was brewing. No one ever asked me to make the coffee again. No one even asked me to clean the coffee machine.