Sunday, April 13, 2008

Celebrity Crush

Who was your first big celebrity crush?


Rinda said...

It wasn't a crush as much as it was an obsession--Rick Springfield. LOVED him. Now, of course, it's David Bowie. (And of course there have been other minor crushes, but those are the biggies.)

Unknown said...

Maureen O'Sullivan in her scantily clad role as Jane to Johnny Weissmuller's Tarzan. I was six years old. What can I say?


Anonymous said...

I guess it was Prince around junior high. My best friend thought he was hot, so I talked myself into thinking it as well.

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt, circa Legends of the Fall.

Unknown said...

First celebrity crush? Rick Springfield, hands down. I still adore Rick - my sister and I never miss him when he comes to town.

Now THERE'S a sight for ya - a couple thousand screaming pre-menopausal women cheering for an over-the-hill rock star. You can't buy that kind of entertainment.

Laurie Moran said...

Will Wheaton. I was obsessed with Stand by Me.