Sunday, October 21, 2007


What food do you absolutely despise?


Rinda said...

Liver and beets. Beets taste like dirt, and pickled beets taste like sour dirt. Liver just tastes like shit.

I'm not a big fan of black beans either--they taste like feet.

Vika said...

LIVER. hands down.

I can eat almost anything but liver. It makes me gag.

Unknown said...

I ask for liver every year for my birthday dinner from mom. Seriously. But instead of being all slimy, she skillet fries it like a pork chop and then sautes the vidalia onions in butter separately so we can pile them on as we please. That woman can work magic with an organ.

But I won't eat cottage cheese.

Anonymous said...

Too far with joining your mom and her working magic with an organ...gag.

Bananas for me...amongst a lot of other things. Unfortunately, I am a very picky eater.

PNWgal said...

Brussell sprouts. My mom loved them, therefore we ate them alot. They stink and they swell up to twice their size when you chew them.

amyj said...

I absolutely despise sushi; I just don't get it

Vika said...

Ugh. The only time someone tried to feed me liver (and it was one of those 'if we don't tell her it'll be fine ;D' things) they did fry it.

I'd never had it before, and I will only eat it again if it is eat liver or starve to death.