Sunday, September 23, 2007

Inaugural question!

If you could go back and UNsee a movie, what would that movie be?


Rinda said...

If you're wondering, mine is "The Flintstones." God, that movie was AWFUL! Running a close second is "Battlefield Earth," which makes me wonder who Forrest Whitaker, who normally makes excellent movie role choice, lost a bet to.

Brian said...

This is a problem - most of the time I purposely blank out bad movie experiences. Then there's the whole issue of "Do I want to admit I actually saw that?"

Event Horizon. The brain bleach process has thankfully been nearly complete - little more survives than a memory that the film involves a black hole and lots of blood. Ridiculous amounts of blood. Ludicrous amounts of blood. And gore. Think intestines and giggly bits of skin used as wallpaper. About an 40 minutes in you just start practicing your MST3K skills.

Unknown said...

If I had it to do over again, I'd unsee From Dusk Til Dawn. And not because it was so bad, but because people always look at me like I'm a convicted child molester... or a republican when I admit I liked it enough to buy it. In fact I may go home and watch it again tonight just to prove I'm serious.

PNWgal said...

Agreed, Brian. Event Horizon, aside from being an absolute waste of time was unnecessarily gory. Rinda, Battlefield Earth was about an hour too long but...I kinda liked it. Of course, this comes from someone who's favorite movie is "Big Trouble in Little China".

Bill, I liked From Dusk til Dawn-I'll watch anything with a vampire in it.

But mine would have to be What Dreams May Come. Since that that movie, I am no longer allowed to select movies when my friends and I go out to see one.

Vika said...

I'd unsee the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Keira Knightly is cute and all, but she ain't no Pirate King, that's for sure!

Rinda said...

But Vik, it's got Keith Richards in it!! That alone makes it worthwhile. And Johnny Depp, of course. And Orlando Bloom was actually rockin' the black pirate suit. Was there anything else in that movie?

Anonymous said...

*GROAN* Pitch Black with Vin Diesel. I would rather peel my toenails off one itty bitty piece at a time than watch that movie again.

Anonymous said...

Toys by Robin Williams. By far the worst movie ever. And The Hills Have Eyes. I do not dig baby cannibalism.